This Mom Just Roasted Her Son To Death On His Birthday With The Saddest Tweet Ever

Today is my son's 11th birthday. He's had a REALLY hard year in this pandemic. We had to move 2X & he was bullied at both new schools. He's sweet & sensitive & doesn't understand why kids are so mean. Could you wish him happy birthday today? His name is Kanon! Pls RT! #kanonsbday

LMFAO holy shit. Of course this mom is just wanting to get her kid some HBDs, make him feel a little famous for a day after a rough year, but DAMN. You had to air him out like that?? "he's sweet and sensitive and gets bullied a lot" OMG. This poor kid is now "the sweet sensitive bullied kid" forever. His mom has no idea how hard she piled on, but the minute this tweet gets into the hands of actual bullies? He's toast. Such a clear photo of him too, he can't even say "that's not me, that lady's nuts." Things are not going to get easier for Kanon in real life after this. But, the good news is, he'll have TONS of strangers on the internet wishing him a Happy Birthday for however long this tweet goes viral for. Internet friends > real friends anyway. Totally. 

As a victim of unintentional mom bullying myself, I understand his pain. #Kanonsbday