The Flying 69 Has Officially Gone Mainstream And Entered The World Of Runway Fashion (Seriously, This Is Incredible)


By now, you probably know I put the most dangerous sex move on the planet, the Flying 69, on the map. Much like how Stone Cold did the Stunner, and how Randy Orton made the RKO famous, I put the Flying 69 into everyone's homes, winning many Dunkin Go 2 awards along the way. And now, merely 5 years later, the Flying 69 has officially caught on to the mainstream, and is being performed not only in offices and bedrooms around the country, but on runways around the globe. 



That legitimately took my breath away. Move over, jeans. Take a hike, sweaters. There's a new sheriff in town. Showing flash while eating ass. They are stone faced, strutting down the runway, hoping to god they aren't about to catch a stiff fart to the face. 


Giphy Images.


So the next time you want to get busy with your girl, but she says she has errands to run, joke's on her, the flying 69 is mobile now. Do it at the bank, in Target, at the next PTA meeting, grandma's funeral, you name it. It's IN, and if you don't, you're 2000 and late.