George R.R. Martin Signed A HUGE 8 Figure Deal With HBO To Work On Multiple Game Of Thrones Spinoff Series

Tolga Akmen. Shutterstock Images.

THR- George R.R. Martin is founding a new content kingdom at HBO. The Game of Thrones author just signed a massive overall deal to develop more programming for the network and its streaming service, HBO Max. Sources say Martin's contract spans five years and is worth mid-eight figures.

The news comes on the heels of a surge of Game of Thrones prequels being put into development. All told, the network has five projects based on Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy world in the development stage and one (House of the Dragon) that's been greenlit to series.

The four-time Emmy winner is also developing for HBO the series Who Fears Death (an adaptation of Nnedi Okorafor’s award-winning 2011 postapocalyptic novel) and Roadmarks (an adaptation of Roger Zelazny's 1979 fantasy novel), both of which he will executive produce.

Sorry to all the nerds out there but you guys can take all your hopes that the last couple of ASOIAF books that were supposed to be written by George R.R. Martin and Dracarys the fuck out of them in your mind like it's some small town book burning because those things are never getting done. Not with him getting MID 8 FIGURES to help on a whole bunch of TV shows. 

Giphy Images.

What does a 72-year-old that already hit the jackpot do with tens of millions of dollars? I'm not sure. Maybe get himself a new turtle hat and suspenders? Maybe finally build a castle in a neighborhood with a HOA that will allow it? I'll tell you what it's not going to do. Lock himself away in a dungeon and pump out books like he did when he was just some anonymous hobbit-looking dude. GRRM already said he was going to spend quarantine hammering out the books on a remote island yet a year later we are as close to getting The Winds Of Winter as we are to getting everyone to agree the best way to handle this fucking pandemic that sent him to the island to begin with. I'm not even a book reader but I'm bummed that the books are probably dead because I wanted to read listen to them and imagine what the last few seasons would've looked like if they were done right. However he now has millions upon millions of reasons to never open this nightmarish program again.

The good side of this is that the person most responsible for Thrones becoming a smash hit is locked in for all the other series without a Benioff or Weiss in sight to smash the Fast Forward button on his carefully crafted storylines. If HBO had any gumption or brains, they would force Martin to remake Season 8 in his vision before he sees a dime of that cash. I don't know or care if the actors would sign on for a re-do. But either hire lookalikes like the WWF did with Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon or put that shit out as a cartoon because I can assure you myself and a tonnnnn of other people scarred from everything that happened after the supposed Battle of Winterfell would watch (I say supposed because I'm still not convinced that battle actually took place because I couldn't see a fucking thing).