A South Carolina Church Used Its Easter Service to Talk About Kids Who Had De-Committed From Clemson

For anyone who ever has any doubt just how deep college football is embedded into Southern culture, I would say to take my word for it that it's just a tiny notch below church. But if you go to this church in South Carolina, they're apparently one in the same.

What better message to give on Easter than one on commitment? After all, it doesn't get much more committed than an innocent man choosing to die on a cross for the sins of all humanity. And you know who could use that message more than anyone? Those kids who gave their word to play football at Clemson University and then went back on it. Does that sound like something Christ would have done?!

I would give anything to have heard this sermon. Southern pastors — in my experience — usually try to spin some joke or anecdote at the beginning of their messages into the sermon, many of them about college football. Something like, "I'm sorry for all you UGA fans in here today. I know the Lord tells us to love our enemies but it sure is hard when they're Gator fans, isn't it? That was a rough one yesterday but we're certainly glad you're here with us this morning, brothers and sisters. And if you're a Tech fan, we're glad every Sunday morning you get up and join us after what usually happens to them on Saturdays."

But to actually somehow weave Clemson de-commitments into a sermon about Jesus dying on the cross? That is so bold I'm actually convinced this must be the best preacher of all-time. At a minimum, he's the most confident.

So let this be a message to all the four-stars out there that if you de-commit from Clemson, Dabo Swinney just might call up one of his preacher friends and have you as the subject of next Sunday's lesson for your reckless behavior.