It Is Utterly Insane How Long They Stay At The House In Wedding Crashers

I'm just happy to be here! I'm just happy people are agreeing with this take because I was scared to send out this tweet after dark on a Sunday night. Obviously Wedding Crashers is an American classic. I'm not here to bismerch the work of actual Gods like Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Isla Fisher, Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams, Todd, and Christopher Walken, but I AM HERE to simply say they just spend too much time at that fucking house in the movie.

It truly seems like I could sit down with the Godfather trilogy on one TV & Wedding Crashers on the other and I'm gonna see old Al Pacino sobbing on the steps while Owen & Vince are still knee deep into rich people shit like quail hunting. Wedding Crashers is a flat 2 hours and, I don't know the exact details, but they have to be at the house for at the very least half of it. Aside from the Kitty Kat scene, them talking on the staircase after it, and that painting was a gift Todd I don't even know what else happens there! I just black out when watching it and by black out I mean change the channel.

And it honestly makes me sad because everything else is so good. Those first 30 minutes of them crashing weddings is up there with the best movie sequences of all-time! So many quotes, so little time. And don't get me started on Chazz Reinhold post-house stuff. Iconic. What a breathe of fresh air that must've been in the theaters after that mess.

And then everyone said jabroni!

At the end of the day it's obviously a major motion picture that we all know and love, I just needed to get that house take off my chest. My feeble little brain simply just can't take how long it is.