Some Motherfucker On Reddit Figured Out That Jerry's Apartment In Seinfeld Can't Physically Exist Because Of The Way The Hallway Is Built

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There are plenty of examples of how the internet can be evil. Identity thefts, evil shit being sold on the dark web, Darren Rovell's entire career. But this Reddit post may take the cake. 

Why the fuck do I have to see that Jerry's apartment in Seinfeld is physically impossible to exist as laid out almost a quarter of a century after the finale aired? Usually Reddit ruins TV shows by having all of us create theories about what MIGHT happen in a popular show only for the real ending of the show to fail to come within 5,000 miles of being nearly as good as the theories. However u/PixelMagic just fucked up a first ballot Hall of Fame show for me with four parallel neon green lines. Ain't that some shit?

It's not like Seinfeld won't be funny or relatable whenever I watch it. But every time they are in Jerry's apartment, which is pretty goddamn often, I am not going to think about how that is a pretty accurate rendition of a normal New York City apartment that came during a time when there was outlandish apartments for normal people (looking at you, Friends). Instead I am going to think about that chunk of hallway that magically cuts through his kitchen. Thanks for nothing, internet. Well I guess thanks for the unlimited streaming porn at my fingertips and the Barstool Sportsbook (download today!). But other than that, thanks for nothing!

P.S. I think I just stumbled upon a great idea while writing this blog. A show that is created through groupthink on a Reddit board. You just gotta get an awesome writer crush the first episode that leaves a bunch of loose ends and let the masses tie them all up. Imagine how good the ending of True Detective Season 1 or WandaVision would've been if the Reddit theories were true.