Rumors About Some Of The New Star Wars Shows On Disney+ Sound Amazing


Someone who I believe to be a pretty reliable Lucasfilm insider, @DanielRPK, recently reported the following as the Disney+ show description for 'Ahsoka' starring Rosario Dawson….

"Ahsoka Tano is on the hunt for the evil Grand Admiral Thrawn in the hope it will help her locate the missing Ezra Bridger, the young Jedi that disappeared with Thrawn many years ago."

Obviously, if you watched 'The Mandalorian', that bit about Ahsoka being on the hunt for Grand Admiral Thrawn shouldn't be surprising - she mentions this outright during her appearance last season….

Thrawn is a longtime fan favorite character who debuted in 1991's 'Star Wars: Heir to the Empire', a novel by Timothy Zahn (which was one of the first pieces of what we now know as the 'Star Wars Extended Universe'), and a character who has never appeared in a live-action setting before to this day. He was brought into 'Star Wars: Rebels' after Disney bought Lucasfilm and wiped the Extended Universe clean by popular demand, however, and I'd say he is the most beloved villain the universe has to offer that the mainstream world has yet to be introduced to. He's basically Space Hitler.

Now the aspect of this description that is REALLY exciting the hardcore Star Wars fans out there, though, is the part where it says she's on the hunt for Thrawn: "in hopes it will help her locate the missing Ezra Bridger, the young Jedi that disappeared with him many years ago."

Ezra Bridger is the star of 'Star Wars: Rebels', and another character who is just extremely beloved among the fandom. He's a Filoni creation, as well, so it'd make sense for him to want to bring Ezra into this show in my eyes….

Actor Mena Massoud (who just played 'Aladdin' in the live-action version of that movie) posted an Instagram photo about a month back with an Ezra Bridger quote as the caption, which sparked some MAJOR casting rumors, but we haven't heard anything since….

Personally, I think he'd be great as a grown-up Ezra, and would LOVE to see Ezra's blaster-saber in live-action….

Maybe not the weapon of a Jedi, but it's pretty fuckin badass.

On 'The Book of Boba Fett' side of things, we've just heard reports this week that Pedro Pascal will appear as 'Din Djarin', and that Timothy Olyphant/Bill Burr will return as Cobb Vanth/Migs Mayfeld as well….

Again, this feels like it shouldn't be surprising AT ALL - bounty hunters set to return for bounty hunter show - but it's all stuff that gets me juuuust a little more excited for this series. Hopefully IG-88 or Bossk/Dengar make an appearance as well, that'd be phenomenal. 

Maybe even Cad Bane from 'The Clone Wars'?! 

Alright, now I'm probably pushing my luck.

Bring on all the Faverau/Filoni Star Wars shows imaginable, Disney!

Daniel Boczarski. Getty Images.