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Mighty Ducks Game Changers Episode 4 Recap: Gordon Bombay Has An Addiction, And It's Wheeling Hockey Moms

This. Fucking. Guy. 

We all knew it was going to happen. Everybody who has turned on "The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers" for even one millisecond knew that Gordon Bombay was going to end up wheeling Evan's mom. There are 2 things in this world that Gordon Bombay knows how to do. The first is the Triple Deke, the second is sleeping with the moms on the teams he coaches. 

We've now seen 4 different versions of Gordon Bombay. In the original movie, he hooks up with Charlie's mom and basically tries to work his way into becoming Charlie's dad. But the moment he gets a chance at a pro tryout, he hops on the first bus out of Minneapolis and leaves them both in the dust. 

In D2: The Mighty Ducks, he doesn't necessarily wheel a mom on the team he's coaching but he still ends up taking the trainer for Team Iceland out for ice cream. Highly doubt that was the only cone that was filled that night. 

In D3, we really didn't get a chance to see much of Gordon Bombay. He was out of the picture for most of the movie. But we can only imagine that there was a booster at Eden Hall Prep who got to partake in the full Bombay experience while he was drawing up those legal documents to make sure the Ducks could keep their scholarships. 

And in the latest episode of Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, Bombay finally pulled the trigger and put the moves on Alex Morrow. Knocking up at her door at night with a pie in hand, gets invited inside, the rest is history. 

4 different iterations of Gordon Bombay and we've know seen him wheel 3 different women who all have some sort of relation to hockey. And the best part about it?

Disney just keeps writing it that way. This show is mostly for kids but even the writers know that when you're dealing with a character like Bombay, you have to have him out there saucin' his way to Plow Town. The writers simply can't help themselves. 

As for the rest of the episode? Well I'm glad this show is really leaning into the whole "hockey parents are absolute psychos" angle. Pretty much every parent in this show is the villain in one way or another. Either they're way too strict with their kids acting as if there are NHL scouts in the barn for a peewee hockey game, or they are way too soft with their kids and you know they're going to grow up to be little beta drains on society. So the more this show shits on hockey parents, the more I like it. Like this mom, for example?

Holy shit. She gives Skyler White a run for worst character in television history. 

But yeah. We've got Bombay racking up his kill count and we've got a show that makes hockey parents out to look like the biggest group of pricks on the planet. 4 episodes in and I'd say this show is really starting to hit its stride. 
