Only 364 More Days Until Next Year's Australian Football League Tryouts. Gotta Toughen Up

That's just good parenting right there. You have to start toughening your kids at an early age. If that means you have to Simba your kid at an AFL game and have him get rocked in the dome with a 30-yard boot? Then so be it. 

What do you think is going to happen to this generation that is constantly being coddled by their parents and basically living their entire childhood in bubble wrap?

They're going to grow up to be a bunch of little bitches who are afraid of anything and everything the world throws their way. But this little guy right here? Rub some dirt on it and get back out there. He'll be ready to take on the world just as long as he eventually learns how to catch the ball instead of using his skull as a goalpost. Taking a few of those kicks to the face are great for getting tougher, but you might not want to make too much of a habit out of that one. 
