Bryce Harper Eats A 97 MPH Fastball To The Face And Joe Girardi Naturally Goes APESHIT

OK. First thing's first. Obviously the Cardinals didn't put Cabrera in a tie ball game in the top of the 6th to hit the first two batters he see on two straight pitches. As you can see by his body language, especially after he popped Bryce, it was an accident. 

Still tho...

UNACCEPTABLE. It doesn't matter if it wasn't on purpose at that point. Shit like this can't happen in The Show. Two studs got maimed and the Phillies received an unwarranted warning which could've affected their bullpen going forward. Not cool all around. Girardi even yelled it directly to Cabrera while walking back to the dugout after being tossed: 

"Throw The Ball Over The Fucking Plate"

Good on Girardi for being fired up and ready to throw down for his guys. That's the kind of manager we all want to see defending their team. The Phillies won and more importantly Bryce is seemingly just fine with a nice new shiner:

Thank GOD. Crisis seemingly averted. Now let's move on, be well, and have a Happy Nola Day.