The Star Of The Weekend Was Beer Bats

We are such suckers for drinking liquid out of things that aren't shaped like normal cups, this Beer Bat from the Myrtle Beach Pelicans game is a perfect example. It's their special promo they're doing and from all the pictures I saw on social media I think it's safe to say it was a hit. What is better than drinking beer out of a baseball shaped cup? Literally nothing. It does say that it was $1 for the Beer Bat, but that wasn't true, it was 2 different promos. A $1 beer and the Beer Bat were two completely separate things, but could you imagine how many they would have sold if the Beer Bats were $1? A billion, thats how many. This is an A+ promo and I need more teams around the country get involved in stuff like this. Yeah it could get dangerous if you have a full section of boozed up hounds swinging plastic baseball bats, but it would come in handy if a wiffleball game ever broke out. Wonder what the Pelican's stance is on dizzy bat, because that is for sure happening when the Beer Bats are out. 

The GM of the Pelicans even got in on the fun too. People were bombarding the account asking to buy the bats, and since you obviously can't send a bat full of beer to someone they did the next best thing. You could venmo $25 to the GM and he would drink a beer out of the bat for you, and then send you the empty bat. Not a bad deal at all.

This morning I didn't know the Beer Bat existed and now I can't stop thinking about it. Beer Bats won the weekend. They're so hot right now.