Marvel Bosses Have Reportedly 'Reprimanded' Director Taika Waititi For His Threesome Makeout Pic That Went Viral With Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson

Last week Jerry blogged the viral threesome make out sesh between Marvel director Taika Waititi, his girlfriend Ria Ora, and actress Tessa Thompson that you can see below here.

Well now we're finding out that Marvel is NOT happy with that picture making the rounds. Looks like we've got a bunch of prudes running the show over there in superhero land. Smh. 


Marvel bosses were reportedly unimpressed with the recent photographs of director Taika Waititi together with Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson. According to The Daily Telegraph, Marvel bosses have reportedly reprimanded the Kiwi filmmaker for the photograph.

An insider close to Thor: Love and Thunder’s production told the publication that the behavior exhibited in the photo is “not exactly the image they’re looking to project in relation to one of their biggest franchises”. They added that although the 45-year-old has a reputation for being a “party animal”, the photos “crossed a line” for Marvel bosses.

Gimme a break you losers. What happened to letting people live in their lives? THEY WERE AT HIS HOME! It's not like they were parading around the city going at it in front of the public. These three were having some fun at Taika's house and the creepy paparazzi snapped the pic. 

Taika is a hero as far as I'm concerned. A role model. A legend. This fella is constantly pumps out great movies and on the side is part of some crazy love triangle apparently. We should be crowning this man, not trying to bring him down. So what if you have a little too much to drink and end up in a threesome? Grow up Marvel, shit happens when you're a cool celebrity. This guy is the man and nothing else. Back off.