Professional Call of Duty Player Declines Contract Because The Team Wouldn't Give Him A Sleeveless Jersey

Meet Doug "Censor" Martin - he's been in the competitive Call of Duty scene for over a decade, hails from Long Island and was #1 in the world for wins in World at War. From WaW, he is most famous within the CoD community for playing for FaZe clan from 2015-2019, making YouTube videos highlighting his personality and being a jacked gamer.

If you aren't from the gaming world, you may know Censor through his ex-girlfriend, Yanet Garcia.

Giphy Images.

And yes, that is Doug's face being blacked-out in the gif.

Censor has always been a character in the competitive CoD community, so I'm not sure if this tweet is a troll or not, but it's hilarious. He's not lying either, whenever he would perform on the main stage, he would always rep a sleeveless jersey.

We've seen some whacky contract clauses in pro sports, and apparently esports in no different. I kinda wish Censor just did the old homemade sleeveless and tore the sleeves off himself. We'll see if a CDL team is able to give him the sleeveless jersey he desires.