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Ben Simmons Is Really Out Here Sliding In Chicks DMs On Insta And Snapchat When We Are 2-2 In The Series And Trying To Get To The ECF

Right before game 5 against Atlanta "Ben Simmons DMs" began trending on Philly Twitter and I may have uttered a small & nervous, "Oh God... Why?" But turns out it's nothing to worry about & folks are having a field day with it:

For background, it all started with these tweets:

I don't know where she got that info or whether or not its true, or why anyone would really care, but either way it snowballed delightfully from there...







Giphy Images.



Anyways, the number of responses are growing by the minute and it looks like Simmons has actually been in quite literally everyone's DMs. 

You get the idea. Personally I think any buzz & good old fashioned online trolling fun is positive vibes before the game. As for the original poster, if her goal was to get into people's heads, mission accomplished. 

Now let's go out there & win this one for Izzy…