Joe Kelly Traded a Fan for His Mariachi Jacket and Wore It to the White House

It's incredibly difficult to get me to like anybody on the Los Angeles Dodgers. They're a generally disagreeable group of people who have caused me an immense amount of pain in the last several years.

But you'd be hard-pressed to find a handful of more fun guys in the Major leagues than Joe Kelly. The guy is just the best. The other day, Kelly traded a fan his jersey for a mariachi jacket he thought looked cool — which is a move I can't imagine many guys would do in the first place. Then today, he put that bad boy on his back and strolled into the White House because that's what Joe Kelly does.

Everybody else put on their nicest suits to go meet the President and Kelly walked right in there like he owned the joint and looked like he was ready to pull out his trumpet at a moment's notice. There's just no way anyone could dislike this guy. Not even POTUS is going to stop Joe Kelly from putting on a show.

And if the Dodgers don't have a Joe Kelly mariachi bobblehead night by August 1, somebody in that marketing department needs to be reassigned.