Joey Bosa SHREDDED The Refs And Derek Carr After Dominating The Raiders Last Night

“The refs are blind. I’m sorry, but you’re blind. Like, open your eyes and do your job. Its so bad.”

He also tore up Carr as well, albeit more politely 

"We knew once we hit him a few times, he really gets shook. And you saw on (Covington's) sack, he was pretty much curling into a ball before we even got back there. Great dude, great player...but we know once you get pressure on him, he kind of shuts down."

ICYMI, last night the Chargers exposed the fraud Raiders just like I said they would. Defensively, they completely dominated the game which was great after having to watch a full pregame +45 minute rain delay of the ESPN crew suckin' Derek Carr off. 

Anyway, when the Raiders were driving back up the field with 4 minutes left. Carr dropped back and Bosa was 1v1 with rookie Alex Leatherwood. Bosa had been shredding him all night, getting his 50th career sack vs him along with a hit and 7 pressures. Leatherwood had an egregious hold on Bosa just a few feet from Carr and right in front of the ref. If Bosa gets that sack, it's a game breaker. Instead, there is no call and Bosa lost his shit on the ref, getting a 15-yard penalty. (The ball didn't lie, though, as Carr threw a pick 2 snaps later). 

Personally, I don't think there is any excuse for losing your shit on a ref in-game. All it does is hurt your team, and it't basically admitting to your opponents that you are rattled. You're better off vicariously yelling at them through the angry fans, your coaches and social media. That said, the Chargers have been victims of some horrible officiating this year and it is already basically impossible to play defense in this league without drawing penalties. So i get the mindset, and I don't mind him shredding the zebras in a post game since the worst thing that is going to be hurt is his own wallet. 

As for Bosa's take on Carr, is he wrong?