Dumbest Idea Ever - FIFA Is Exploring Having The World Cup Every 2 Years, But Countries Can't Play In Back-To-Back Cups

What the fuck are we doing here? The World Cup has plenty of other problems, most notably tons of corruption. That's how we get a World Cup in Qatar being played in the middle of football and basketball season and not the summer when there's just baseball to compete with. So what does FIFA do? Let's make it the NIT. Let's host it every other year but not let countries play in back-to-back ones. That makes sense! Hey Brazil, Germany, Argentina, France, etc. You can't play in every World Cup, which means it's not a World Cup. It would flat out ruin the sport. So much so that even UEFA countries are thinking of backing out of FIFA. (h/t AP)

The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that more than a dozen European nations told UEFA they would consider quitting FIFA over biennial World Cups.

“I’m seriously seriously asking you and FIFA not to push for a vote because that could have terrible consequences for football,” UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin told Infantino on the call.

Yeah that's how you get the youth excited about soccer, which is apparently the 'goal' of having the World Cup every two years. Let's not have the best players, the ones everybody knows for some NIT rinky dink event. Kids will love watching San Marino play Thailand in the group stage of the 2nd World Cup. That's how you get an audience. Fuck San Marino by the way. Still mad about The Dozen title game. 

I just don't get why we need to change everything. The World Cup being every four years is perfect. We get the build up through qualifying. We have the Euros and all other continental events between the World Cups. That's what you need to keep growing. Right now there are plenty of us in this very country living and dying through qualifying and watching what Gregggg does with the USMNT. We're looking at scores and updated tables making sure we stay in the top 3 to make the 2022 World Cup. You know how you ruin that? Adding a World Cup that we can't even attempt to qualify for. Idiots.