George R.R. Martin Was Reportedly Worried About The Direction Game Of Thrones Was Heading After Season 5 And Begged HBO's CEO To Make It Go 10 Seasons

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IGN- More than two years after its original release, Game of Thrones' ending remains controversial with fans. In particular, many believe that Game Of Thrones ended too soon, curtailing certain major arc and making the ending seem abrupt. Author George R.R. Martin agrees. As first reported by Insider, Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers, a new book by journalist James Andrew Miller, details how Martin flew to New York to "beg" HBO to do 10 seasons.

"George would fly to New York to have lunch with [former HBO CEO Richard Plepler], to beg him to do 10 seasons of 10 episodes because there was enough material for it and to tell him it would be a more satisfying and more entertaining experience," Martin's agent Paul Haas says in the book.

 According to Haas, Martin also reportedly worried that HBO wasn't "following his template" in terms of plotting out the story. "George loves [Game of Thrones showrunners Daniel Weiss and David Benioff], but after season five, he did start to worry about the path they were going because George knows where the story goes. He started saying, 'You're not following my template.'"

This fucking guy, man. Look, I get that having your life's work that was universally applauded for years get Dracarys'd into flames King's Landing style because the showrunners had no clue what to do once they ran out of source material sucks. However, this article shows everything that was wrong with George R.R. Martin's strategy for making sure Thrones was done right. Idiots like me that cash a check writing digital smut could worry about the direction of Thrones. But George R.R. Martin could have actually done something about it.

Instead of worrying about guys "following your template", finish the books. Instead of flying all the way to New York and getting on your creaky knees then begging some suit for 10 seasons, finish the books. Instead of blogging about the goddamn Giants drafting Daniel Jones, finish the books. Instead of doing anything but eating, sleeping, or pissing, George R.R. Martin should have been finishing the books or at least as much of the books as you can when you are writing on technology that looks like it was invented when Large was still in elementary school.

I haaaaaate what Benioff & Weiss did to Thrones the last couple of seasons by turning a first ballot Hall of Fame show into a cautionary tale because they crashed the landing and killed everyone on the flight. But part of it was due to the fact they didn't have the ability to trace over a masterpiece to then call it their own. Part of it was also due to them Yada Yada'ing the climax of what a million different stories led up to by trying to squeeze what the creator saw as four seasons worth of content into 1.5 seasons worth of dog shit because they had a bunch of other projects including a Star Wars trilogy on their plate. 

Still though, if the books could have just been finished, all of this nonsense could have been avoided and we'd be getting hyped about a proper Thrones finale this year instead of rehashing all these old stories whenever they pop up in the news because of some quote the Turtle Hat Man unfurls to a reporter.

That being said, if GRRM delivers on these new Thrones shows using books he has already written, I will forgive him for Benioff & Weiss fucking up the end of Thrones but I won't forget. Actually, if he gives us those ice spiders the size of hounds that Old Nan wouldn't shut up about before Benioff & Weiss left that Chekhov's gun fully loaded, I'll forgive AND forget. 

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