Hardcore Porn During The Christmas Season Is Simply Too Aggressive For My Taste

So yesterday's Rundown with KFC and Trent kind've went off the rails once we mentioned Christmas season and a few things were revealed. First was that my Christmas Spirit has sadly been at an all-time low since I found out Santa wasn't real back in grade school. It really just loses its allure, ya know? Christmas was WAY cooler when you believed there was this very jolly & bearded fat man impossibly dropping presents off to every child on the good list throughout the globe in a 24 hour time span. I mean how could that not hype you up? And don't even get me started on the whole tracking Santa with NORAD every Christmas Eve. Now that was a pre-pubescent adrenaline rush like no other.

And of course we had to bring up that I've never seen Home Alone in full. I'm well aware it's practically a big enough sin to put me on the naughty list in itself, but I still haven't seen it. That's something I will work on this Christmas season.

But the most important point we came across was that hardcore pornography is simply too aggressive for the Christmas season. 

At its core Christmas is literally Jesus Christ's birthday which should be the first red flag when it comes to hardcore porn on Christmas and that's without even saying how its simply just a holiday full of cheer & fun. That's why it's the perfect Christmas for a Booby Christmas. Now I'm not gonna link what I'm talking about in here, but I will tell you if you simply google what I said it's a VERY easy find. So sit back, enjoy that with your buddies, and whatever you do DO NOT click the 3 lines on the top right of the screen for Gone Wild Christmas. Just do not. We can't be doing anal on the 2nd day of Christmas. Santa would be disgusted. You'll end up in hell if you click that.