Kevin Garnett's New Documentary Makes You Want To Run Through A Fucking Brick Wall

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Kevin Garnett's energy and shit talking makes me want to run head first through a brick wall, so a feature length documentary about KG's entire life sucks me right where I need to be sucked. 

The competitive mentality of KG, especially during practice, reminds me of MJ in the documentary The Last Dace , and Kobe in Kobe Bryant's Muse. These guys are clearly a rare breed of competitor that will do anything to win, but what I noticed watching these docs is all 3 players hold themselves and the team completely accountable for every detail, no excuses. Kevin Garnett: Anything Is Possible just shot up the ranks as my favorite doc mainly for the peek behind the curtain it offers at the mindset for an athlete/team needed to to be a champion.

One of the better stories shared on the doc takes place on the team plane during the Celtics 2008 championship season with KG, Glen Davis, Paul Pierce, and the legend himself Brian Scalabrine. Glen Davis is dominating the team in arm wrestling, so the Pierce gets KG to go head to head with Big Baby by throwing down $$$$. KG describing both of them sweating bullets and eventually going FULL ALPHA and snapping Davis' elbow to the table, letting everyone know he was the baddest mother fucker on that plane. I've heard this story told on several platforms by a few players on the team, but hearing KG tell these stories himself will make you want to throw your body onto a grenade for this man. 

This documentary is available on Showtime and if you want more, Million Dollaz Worth Of Game interviewed KG right as the doc was released, it's great. KD explains waiting till he retired for the doc, his all time starting 5, and most importantly explains how he talks trash.