Southern Brian Kelly Strikes Again!

Just when we thought maybe BK would learn from the whole "fake southern accent" incident he goes out and wiggles / dances(?) his way back into the conversation in this video with 5-star recruit Walker Howard. 

Hey, people were worried about Kelly being a fit with the culture in south Louisiana, but I guess we're seeing he's going to do his darndest for better or worse to loosen up and lose the "Yankee Golden Domer" feel. Apparently it's just impossible to be the head coach at LSU and not turn into a character unless your name is Nick Saban. Good for BK. He just spent 12 years at uptight ND in cold frigid South Bend now my man is letting it fly in the Bayou. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he's dancing with, once again, a 5-star All-American QB who is 100% all in on Kelly and LSU. I'm sure a lot of coaches would be dancing, too. 

This two week stretch has been must-see content from Kelly since he started at LSU. Sure, a lot of it has been shaking your head laughing out of it's cringeworthiness, but it's been hilarious nonetheless. Let's just hope he's still putting in the plans to do what he was brought to LSU to do - win football games and get back to national prominence.