There Was One Very Clear Loser In The Season 3 Finale Of Succession

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Damn, RIP In Peace Greenpeace after taking that massive L last night. They may have been getting fried by Greg The Egg for weeks now. But having the Contessa wax poetic about their rival then getting roasted on Twitter is a tough break for the guy in Greenland that's cashing checks, eating penguins, and stomping cigarettes out on glaciers. I'd sure hate to be a Greenpeace supporter today.

I bet there are a few people who clicked on this blog thinking I was going to comment about how the #ShivWagon I am conducting appeared to off the rails because her spineless husband backstabbed her and her siblings after I wrote this blog last week.

But I will do NOTHING of the sort. Last night was but a mere speed bump on our journey to the top. Yeah the #TomTrain is running express right now and looks like it will barrel over everything in its way now that Logan has been riding it as Tom has lowkey been setting up his rise up the corporate ladder by cozying up to the head honcho for a while now. But I refuse to believe that some outsider from the midwest is going to defeat an entire family of kids raised in the cold and calculating Roy household.

If anything, all last night did was give me more confidence that Shiv will become the ruthless motherfucker that will do whatever it takes to get what she wants after being hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out DECEIVED by her husband. 

Does this look like the face of a woman that is going to willfully roll over and die as the two more important men in her life colluded to rob her of what she deserves?

Fuck no. That looks the face of a woman not only plotting her next 10 moves but also dreaming of bathing in her traitorous husband's blood along with anybody else who has wronged her along the way by giving off big time Anakin vibes after he wiped out the Jedi (complete with younglings, which I wouldn't put past Shiv doing as well).

Everyone casually forgets that not only does Shiv have the Roy name but she also has political connects and there just so happens to be an election coming up now that the raisin is leaving office. Tom also was in charge of a department that had a massive scandal associated with it and his biggest ally outside of Logan is a person he's haunted for years. I've long said that Greg The Egg was going to end up eating a Tomlette after being fucked over by him and I still think that will happen, potentially with Cousin Greg becoming heir apparent to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (12 times removed of some shit), Count Greg, or even sitting on the vacant Italian throne. 

Between Greg's rise in power, a few of Chekhov's cruise papers still floating around, and Shiv's political connections, that motherfucker Tom will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when she gets finished with him. You got us last night Wambsgans. But this shit isn't even CLOSE to being over (even though I think it’s clear Kendall and maybe even Roman are cooked after last night).

Official #ShivWagon Statement About Last Night: We're on to Season 4.