Does This Look Like An Alien Caught On Camera Running Naked Dick Flapping In The Breeze? (NSFW)

The Sun - A HUNTER claims he caught a "naked alien" on camera as the creature ran past his trail camera in a notorious UFO hotspot.

The photograph - which shows a strange "bulbous headed" figure darting by - was captured in a remote area of Montana in the US.

Donald Bromley snapped the picture in the area known as Redgate, which is claimed to be awash with paranormal activity like UFOs.

He said at first he thought it was a person, but the more he looked at the grainy image the more convinced he became it was something out of this world. The strange image has surfaced amid surging interest in UFOs as Congress and the Senate voted through a brand new office to investigate the phenomena. And it comes after a landmark Pentagon report in June saw the US admit for the first time there is something in their skies they cannot explain.

But residents in Montana have been reporting strange lights in the sky for decades — making it one of America’s hotspots for unidentified flying objects. 

The image which are claimed to show an alien has shone the spotlight on an Redgate area - which is near the small town Deer Lodge. 

He said the "naked alien" on the trail camera is just one of a "series of mysterious events” that have taken place in the area.

“There is much more to the story than people realize," Cutler said.

Mr Bromley told KXLF: "The more I look at it was just odd, it was out of place and everything just matches the alien persona the bigger bulbous head, you can tell he has no clothes, it’s kind of a transparent being."

"It’s just very rich in the paranormal field, like the UFOs, lights in the sky unexplainable things," he added.

He added residents have been seeing “really bizarre” objects flying across the sky out of nowhere. 

Cars also stall for no reason on local roads - and the area was the site of a grisly murder where a homesteader slaughtered his family and painted their front gate with their blood.

Well this explains a lot. And we should have known.

These little fuckin creeps were the ultimate Peeping Toms for all these years. Now, after we finally caught them looking in our window, they're just going full-out flasher.

Giphy Images.

This little sexual deviant up in Montana is just the first of many alien dicks we're about to see too. Mark my words. This is how it starts.

One brave extraterrestrial shows his curved alien penis off to all the woodland creatures, gets caught on camera (which honestly probably just aroused him even more) and now all the weirdos are going to come out of the woodwork. 

Hopefully they're smart enough to know to stay the fuck away from John Dutton's ranch. Not because John or Rip will gut them like deer. No. Because if Beth gets her hands on them she'll fuck them into the next dimension and I don't think that would be a good way to begin interstellar relations.

Giphy Images.
Giphy Images.

p.s. - best peeping tom scene for my money

(NSFW Link for research purposes only)