Yet Soft Ass Change: The SAT's Will Now Be Done On A Computer And At Least An Hour Shorter

[Post] - Those taking the college entrance exam will be allowed to use their own laptops or tablets, but will still have to sit the test at a monitored testing site or school when the changes come into effect, the College Board said.

The new online version will also shave an hour off the current exam time, bringing the reading, writing and math assessment from three hours to roughly two.

“The digital SAT will be easier to take, easier to give, and more relevant,” said Priscilla Rodriguez, vice president of College Readiness Assessments at College Board.

I hate that I'm writing this, mostly because it's making me realize that I'm a true old and getting mad. I'm just mad at everyone here. Not just the kids who get to skate by but the people who made this decision. Fuck that. We hear all about pressure and stress across jobs and sports and everything else. Oh no friends. The moment you had to wake up ass early on a Saturday, sit in a classroom for like 3.5 hours and take a test that helped determine what school you were going to or what scholarship you were getting. 

Now they get a computer? That's what I'm most upset about honestly. A computer? This is bullshit. That's all I can say. You build strength by taking that No. 2 pencil and filling in the bubbles and writing out answers. You need to feel pain in your wrist that you never experienced. That's part of the reason why my generation is the best. We knew life pre and post Internet. We know what a No. 2 pencil means. Me personally? I had it the worst. Being left handed in the 90s and early 2000s meant one thing and one thing only. Pen marks all over the outside of your hand. That and it being impossible to write with a trapper keeper. It's why I can't get hurt these days. Nothing people can say will hurt me. I lived grade school and middle school life with blue shit on the outside of my left hand from 8-3 every single day. 

I think I'm more at the decision makers than the kids. The kids don't know any better. High school kids always have been and always will be dumb as shit. But the decision makers? How do you do this here? You went through the same thing. You had to show up, tired as hell, and stress out over a test with pencil and paper. 

Oh and how about this? 

The exam will feature shorter reading passages with one question tied to each, and calculators will now be allowed for the entire duration of the math section.

Calculators are allowed! What the fuck! Since when can you use a calculator the entire time? This isn't even a test anymore. It's just who can correctly hit buttons. I want people to show their work and have to try and do math in their head. It makes me sick that people won't truly understand the stress of the old school SAT. There's truly nothing like that.