Hold Up ... The Only Reason Andrew Wiggins Is An All-Star Starter Is Because A K-Pop Person Stuffed The Ballots

What a move. I haven't seen such an egregious ballot result since, you know:

It's basically the same thing here. Everyone knows K-Pop rules the world, even if I don't fully grasp K-Pop. I just have no idea how it's so big. It's all I ever see when people bring up this thing and it was even on Dave season 2. The whole idea that they can make someone an All-Star starter is insane. 

Is it dumb? Absolutely. But it's what happens when commissioners let fans and lemmings (shout out WSD) vote. I'm not saying there's an Andrew Wiggins here, but....

How about the move by the Warriors though? Why do you care so much that Andrew Wiggins is an All-Star starter? Outside of maybe finding some comedy in there it's a weird move to make. I just hope this all leads to Andrew Wiggins All-Star MVP. Need him to go balls to the wall at all times and play like it's game 7 of the NBA Finals. 

Can someone please explain K-Pop to me though? I know BTS is fucking massive. They are an auto-guess on any music bonus round category of the Dozen. They have to be the biggest band in the world, maybe slightly behind Sister Hazel and Hootie and the Blowfish. Now we have them out here rigging All-Star selections. It's baffling. Next up, they are going to start stuffing pageviews for Barstool. I will use this to my advantage now that I know all you have to do is associate with one of them. So if you're a mid-tier K-Pop star, let's start working.