A Hooters Waitress Is Getting Blasted For Calling Out Shitty Tippers On A Viral Tik Tok

NY Post - Knockers are digitally blasting this Hooters waitress, accusing her of a lack of gratuity gratitude.

Ali, an employee at one of the famed chicken shack’s locations in Georgia, is reaching viral heights of TikTok infamy after sharing a trending clip of herself complaining about some of the smaller tips she received during a wing-slinging, four-hour shift.

“My first table, I got a $50, which was nice. It was a four-top,” Ali said in a post that’s earned 8 million views.

“My second table, I got $11,” she added, rolling her eyes at the meager amount. “My third table I got $20, and then I got $10 from a really old couple. But, whatever.”

Elsewhere in the video, Ali, alongside her scantily clad co-workers, beamed and boasted over the larger monetary gifts she pocketed — including a $100 bill “from a single guy,” and a massive $300 Venmo deposit from one of her “regulars.”

But the server closed the clip by referencing a paltry tip that made her “mad.”

“All right y’all, this one made me mad. But it’s whatever,” she said, holding up a receipt. “They left me $10, wrote it on the bill, scribbled it out and wrote $5 when I walked away. Why?”

But online onlookers were less than impressed by the seemingly “ungrateful” attitude she displayed towards her lesser bonuses.

“Not You being ungrateful for $5 or $10 dollars,” scolded one commenter. “You roll your eyes at 10 when you literally don’t do anything,” scoffed another.

God I love the NY Post. What a great leading sentence. 

So here's the deal, $521 for an 8-hour shift ain't too shabby. That seems like $65 an hour if you do the math right? Much more than most people make doing back-breaking manual labor. So it's hard to complain about. 

But here's what the average dine-in customer doesn't take into account- these servers, and servers everywhere, don't just pocket those tips and head home. 

They've gotta tip out their bussers and, in some states, their hosts a percentage of their sales. Not their tips, their sales. So if one cheap fuck stiffs them, or one table of shitbags chews and screws on them, they're fucked.

Gone are the days where cash tips allow you to skate the tax man either. 1- because nobody besides Eddie pays in cash anymore. and 2- because the G-man put the onus on the employer to account for every dollar that servers are tipped and to report them all or face INSANE penalties if they're caught.

So as hard as it is for you to conceptualize mustering up sympathy for this buxom blonde Hooters waitress, I can. 

These girls are heading to work every day to carry chicken wings and lukewarm beers to "regulars" like White Sox Dave (the biggest Hooters fan at Barstool) while having to put up with never-ending pickup attempts, sexual innuendo, and eye fucking the likes you've never seen before.

All the while hoping and praying for a 15% tip or better. 

I will side with the hospitality worker vs. the keyboard warrior, Wolfgang Puck wanna be critics 9 times out of 10. 

So to all the old women, upset that their husbands spend too much time and hard-earned money patronizing Hooters, bitching in the comment section and taking it out on these servers- suck it.

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