You'll Never Believe This But Athletes Are Starving At The Beijing Olympics Because The Food Quality Is Very Very Bad

USA Today - BEIJING – "My heart can't take it," emotionally crushed Polish speedskater Natalia Maliszewska wrote in an Instagram post.

"I'm very pale and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day," said Russian biathlete Valeria Vasnetsova on the same platform. "Unreasonable," complained Dirk Schimmelpfennig, the head of the German delegation in an interview with his nation's media.

All three were speaking out about the conditions they faced or observed in quarantine hotels in China used by athletes who test positive while at the 2022 Winter Olympic s. They described "inedible meals," little or no access to training equipment and a confusing and at times seemingly illogical COVID-19 testing regime. 

"I don't understand it either," she wrote. "I don't believe in anything anymore. In no tests. No games. It's a big joke for me."

Russia's Vasnetsova used Instagram to complain about the food she received in her quarantine facility. On Feb. 3 she posted an image of what she claimed was "breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days already." The photo consisted of some plain pasta, charred meat, an orange-looking sauce and no apparent vegetables. 

"I've been getting this for breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days now. I've lost a lot of weight and my bones are sticking out. I can't eat anything else, I don't know anything about my corona tests," Vasnetsova wrote in her Instagram post that has since been deleted but not before it circulated in Russian and international media. "I only sleep all day because I don't even have the strength to get out of bed. I only eat three handfuls of pasta a day because it's just impossible to eat the rest of the food," she wrote.

Outside of quarantine, the German team has also complained that there is no hot food for the downhill skiers. And the Swedish cross-country ski team has asked to start their races earlier in the day, because it’s been so dangerously cold at 4 p.m. (local time) when their events are scheduled.

Allow me to quote the renowned Kindergarten Cop when I say, "stop whining."

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Do world-class athletes need to eat or something? What the fuck is the big deal?

Do you know what the people of China would do for three handfuls of pasta a day? That's like a 6 weeks ration worth. 

Looks like a perfectly well-rounded meal to me here.

For first course we've got a nice little penne rigate (cooked al dente of course) with what looks like to be a nice side of a bolognese ragu. 

If I know the Chinese Government like I think I do, I'm guessing they splurged for the games’ dining and went with a wild boar (cinghiale) or a local A5 Wagyu for the meat. (Definitely not dog)

Next up is some starch in the form of some exquisite fingerling potatoes. 

Those look perfectly prepared as well.

For third course we've got something really special guys. 

I can't tell, I didn't go to LCB or CIA so don't judge my untrained eye here, but I think this is what the snooty people call "squab". 

Squab, for the uninitiated, is baby pigeon. Fancy pants shit.

And it looks like they boiled it here perfectly. (If you've never had boiled meat you're really missing out… or your parents loved you)

Rounding out the meal looks to a local delicacy.

No. Not rack of lamb. Though that would be a nice compliment to the boiled fowl. 

These are cat ribs. 

Prepared on the grill over an open flame. 

Not my cup of tea (I'm a noted feline fan) so I would have to pass on trying these, but to the food adventurers out there, "When In Rome", am I right? 

My guy Chief dislikes the CCP almost as much as I do, so he'll be pissed to learn there's also a Blackhawks component to all of this-

Russia's Vasnetsova used Instagram to complain about the food she received in her quarantine facility. On Feb. 3 she posted an image of what she claimed was "breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days already." The photo consisted of some plain pasta, charred meat, an orange-looking sauce and no apparent vegetables. 

"I've been getting this for breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days now. I've lost a lot of weight and my bones are sticking out. I can't eat anything else, I don't know anything about my corona tests," Vasnetsova wrote in her Instagram post that has since been deleted but not before it circulated in Russian and international media. "I only sleep all day because I don't even have the strength to get out of bed. I only eat three handfuls of pasta a day because it's just impossible to eat the rest of the food," she wrote.

"We know he's fully healthy and ready to go and that's why we think that China, for some reason, they won't respect his human rights," Jalonena said.  

Giphy Images.

"China won't respect his human rights" Laugh out fucking loud. 

What a knee slapper.

In all seriousness part of me wants to feel bad for these athletes and part of me can't feel the least bit of sympathy. Which I know is dickheaded because it's of no fault of these athletes at all that the year they made it to the top of their sport and qualified for the biggest stage in the world happened to be when the IOC gifted one of the worst places on the planet with the games.

They work their asses off their entire lives, making insane sacrifices, just to get to this level to compete. And then they have to deal with this horseshit. 

I know he's a swimmer and it's different but at his peak of competing Michael Phelps was famously consuming 10,000 calories per day

What do you think these poor bastards in Beijing are taking in via this gruel they're being served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

That sucks.

But at the same time, there's nobody else to blame but the entire rest of the world and the people calling the shots.

1- for not putting their foot down and boycotting the games when they were announced to be in Beijing.

2- for allowing the IOC to continue to operate in the corrupt fashion they have since the dawn of man.

3- for not demanding better conditions and preparation beforehand to ensure shit like this wasn't going to happen.

In standard operating procedure, the IOC did what the IOC does and quickly passed the buck.

In a press briefing with reporters on Monday, the International Olympic Committee's sports director Kit McConnell said that the IOC has a "support network in place to deal with athletes' concerns both individually and collectively." He said that steps were being taken to address "individual circumstances which are still challenging" and that the IOC had been having calls with athletes who are not satisfied with the quarantine conditions.

However, McConnell also said that it was the Beijing Olympic organizing committee, not the IOC, that has "responsibility for dialogue with the hotels" where athletes and other Games' participants are staying.

"Don't look at us guys. It's those idiots at the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee's faults! Who the fuck's idea was it to put them in charge?"

This whole thing is sad for so many reasons. I really do feel badly for the athletes. Between Covid, the conditions they're dealing with, and absolutely nobody watching the games, this is really disheartening and they deserve better. 

(Ed if you're reading this I take it all back)

p.s.- if it wasn't for FIFA the IOC would be the most corrupt sporting federation on the planet correct?

p.p.s. - I think it's only fair that the IOC members and the Beijing Olympic Committee members all eat their meals together in the mess halls/cafeterias with the athletes as a show of solidarity and world peace. Watch how quick this shit improves then.