I Need Someone To Explain To Me Why Significant Others Love Making A Full Cup Of Coffee And Then Leave It To Never Be Touched Again

I didn't know if this was a me problem or if other people experienced this strange phenomenon. My wife loves nothing more than to make a nice cup of coffee every single morning.....and then leave it untouched. I tweeted about it a few years back and when I saw yet another cup on the counter this morning it gave me full coffee PTSD. I did to this one what I do to every other cup of cold coffee I see, I dump it in the sink. I'm probably up and over 10 gallons of coffee dumped this year. Why does this happen? I'm not a coffee drinker, never had a sip in my life. I refuse. It's all a mental game and I wont partake. So what on earth would possess someone to make a cup of coffee and then never touch it? Sometimes it will get sipped on throughout the day, but that can't taste good. Other times I stack all the half drank cups of coffee in the fridge and see how long it will take for her to notice. I can't get over making something and then only drinking half or barely touching it at all. That's like me opening a can of coke, taking a sip and then dipping out. I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this battle and many of you are right there with me. I took to twitter to let everyone know it happened again and I was flooded with similar responses. Every single person who tweeted at me said their significant other does this. Boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband. Everyone. I had no idea so many other people were in my shoes. 

Billy Ripsken, fuckface himself goes through this!

Dante the Don, he's just like the rest of us. His S/O leaving cups of Joe everywhere. 

Golf Banks, bathroom Joe for his S/O. Why? Why in the bathroom? 

"Hey, are you going to drink this?" Every night, every single night.

Kelly in Vegas seems to be alluding to something….

I don't think anyone who has ever dated someone has seen the bottom of a coffee cup. It seems like the wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, or husbands have never finished one single cup. 

Even Mrs. Schwartz does this, finish your coffee, ladies!

It's mind bottling. If you love coffee as much as you say you do, just finish the damn coffee. Don't take a sip or 2 and then leave it out to become an air freshener. It's an issue world wide and it has to stop. You coffee drinkers have to come clean, what is up with this psycho move? I'm dying to know.