Coach Prime Name Dropped Me Three Times On The Tonight Show Which Is Absolute Bananaland

Yesterday afternoon I was lucky enough to tag along with Coach Prime and his management team from SMAC Entertainment to witness his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. I want to say off the bat, this whole thing is WAY bigger than me and people should be focusing on what Coach Prime is preaching to help gain exposure for Jackson State and HBCU's as a whole. But it was pretty fucking cool when he dropped my name on the show. 

When we were backstage, I saw Deion say this in real time and I thought there was no way Fallon was going to keep it in the show. I'm not sure why I thought that, but as I waited all night for 11:35 PM, I kinda assumed that it wasn't going to be in there. When I was lying in bed with a McChicken in my hand and my shirt off watching The Tonight Show last night, it hit me that it didn't even matter if Deion saying my name made the cut. The fact that he's up here promoting THE HELL out of a Barstool product, that was enough for me to feel special. This man truly goes to bat for Barstool more than anybody realizes and that means the world to me. He wears Barstool merch any chance he can get and it's surreal for our production to be a small part of something historical going on in college football. But yes, when I heard my "name" (sorry to break it to everybody, my last name isn't actually Beers) on national television, it was very cool. More importantly however, Coach Prime spoke about what he's doing at JSU and how he is making a change. 

It was amazing to hear Coach speak about our documentary and what to expect. It was amazing to see a clip that we have edited for Episode 4 on national television. It was amazing to hear Jimmy Fallon saying to check out the doc on Barstool channels. It was all just such a cool thing to witness as somebody who used to work for free making promo videos for Pardon My Take in 2016 not knowing if I was going to get a job at Barstool or not. 

All of that aside, I hope our fans and our community can really start embracing Deion and the stuff he's doing down in Jackson. He just went on national television to speak about the changes he's making not only for Jackson State, but for HBCU's in general. A lot of people may not realize just how important that is to not only that particular program, but to all black colleges around America. Coach Prime is bringing exposure to all of these institutions and it's pretty fucking cool that he's doing it all while promoting a documentary on our very own Barstool digital channels. I've had the chance to be around this man every single day for the past 10 months and it's completely reshaped the way I look at life. His positivity and excitement to just go through every day is infectious. 

Please check out our Coach Prime documentary when you get some time. I know people love binging series' like these, and luckily we have a whole spring season with 6 episodes already out. We're two episodes into our Fall season edition, and it's leveled up by a million. We're going to tell the ENTIRE story behind why Coach Prime was in the hospital for 23 days and why he was in a wheelchair/scooter on the sidelines, the historical 11-2 season that ended in a SWAC title and an unfortunate Celebration Bowl loss, and everything else in between. 

We have 20+ people working on this production and A LOT of people have given up a lot of their personal life to be in Jackson to make this all happen. Shoutout to everyone who helped down in Jackson, shoutout to the edit team crushing it (Dello, Seekamp, and Booze - absolute weapons), shoutout to everyone at Barstool for supporting this product, and huge shoutout to Deion and JSU Football for welcoming us in and allowing us to tell the story of this movement. Check out Episode 1 here:

and Episode 2 here