These Calvin Ridley Plays Look Veryyyyyy Interesting After Today's News ๐Ÿง

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Does Roger Goodell have Odell Beckham Sr. ripping up tape for him or something? Because I have no clue how the hell someone put this together and posted it by 3:46 PM after the news of Ridley's suspension dropped 15 minutes earlier.

Now listen, far be it for someone like me to pick apart the moves of a super talented athlete that has been playing football his whole life, even though that's all idiots like me do. Those first couple of plays could be a player reacting to the game situation, a playmaker looking to go Dante Hall Human Joystick because he can, or a member of the Falcons simply going Full Falcon. Nobody should ever go Full Falcon. Ever.

HOWEVAH, the only explanation for how the Chiefs play went from this:

To this:

Is that Ridley got banged up, switched bodies with a fat idiot like me which caused him (me) to slow down to a blogger's pace as he (I) pissed himself (myself) after realizing he (I) was in a live NFL play with NFL superhumans, or had some other motive (that my dumb civilian ass wouldn't understand even though I won multiple Madden championships as recently as last year with the 2020 Giants nbd).

Okay, writing that last sentence broke my brain. Anyway I'm sure this won't be the last video about Ridley, but this is the best take we will get about this entire Ridley situation.