Devin Booker Essentially Told Anthony Davis His Team Sucks And He Should Stop Living In A Fantasy World

Barry Gossage. Getty Images.

As you may have heard, the Lakers went into PHX last night and got their asses whooped. A good old fashioned beat down that no matter what is happening in my life will always bring a smile to my face. 

You would think that after a game like that the Lakers would show some humility when it comes to talking about the Suns. Not only are the Lakers 0-3 against PHX this year, but they've lost 5 of their last 6 in the regular season as well as 4 of 6 in last year's playoffs. Surely their players would give the Suns their proper respect correct? Nope. Sure didn't

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I mean, let's relive this for a second. Anthony Davis played in Games 1, 2, 3, and 20 minutes of Game 4. Pretty sure his groin wasn't hurt when he went 5-16 in the Game 1 loss. He was then 2-9 in Game 4 before leaving. Maybe, and stay with me here, the Suns won that series because…..they're the better team? They've been the best team in basketball for like 2 years now. Shit, they never lost in the bubble and probably could have beaten the Bubble Lakers that year too. This is not a situation where the Suns only advanced because someone got hurt. Also, even if you want to argue that improved their chances, how is that any different from any team in the history of the NBA? Did the Lakers not benefit in the NBA Finals from Perk tearing his ACL in 2010 or Bam getting hurt in the bubble Finals? It's all just so weak for a star like AD to talk like this, especially when they are getting their asses kicked left and right.

That's why I LOVED the response to this from Devin Booker

I'm a firm believer that if you're winning, you can talk all the shit you want. If someone doesn't like it, make sure that player doesn't win. But it's pretty clear the Suns are the best of the best and with that comes a level of confidence. Pretty wild that we live in a world where it's the Lakers' best players crying about what could have been and it's the Suns' best players laughing in their face basically telling them to accept the fact that they suck and weren't going to win anyway. Given the history between these two franchises, that's quite the turn.

So you know what we now have to root for right? While it pains me to ever consider wanting anything positive to happen for the Lakers, I think we all need a Suns/Lakers first round series. If AD is going to talk like this, let's see him back it up. I think as long as LeBron/AD are healthy it changes things for the Lakers postseason hopes, and it would be a disservice to us fans if we now don't get to see a Suns/Lakers battle. LeBron almost never loses in the first round. The Suns basically haven't lost a game in two years. AD is basically calling them frauds in public despite a mountain of evidence that suggests the opposite. 

I'm all for drama and trash talk. The NBA needs more of it. While I personally would never decide to give the Suns any extra bulletin board material, clearly Anthony Davis does not agree. Let's see how that works out for him.

Probably not great if we're being honest.