Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life

About 3 dozen people sent this to me yesterday. I will fully admit I haven't seen this before and it was NOT what I expected. Like... what the fuck was this? I thought it was gonna be some cheesy kids video. Ummmmm nope! 

Giphy Images.

Not even close. That was the most fucked up, vile thing I've ever watched. I felt like I woke up and just watched Salad Fingers for the first time. Like yo… who made this? Lock that person up IMMEDIATELY. Shrek's a goddamn kids movie you pervert!!! Put that guy (or girl) in a straight jacket asap. I feel like I need to take a shower after watching that. 

Even after what I just watched, I will never back down from taking Shrek 5th overall. Not now, not this afternoon, not ever. Sounds like the masses agree!!!

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