DOWN GOES KENTUCKY! Coach Cal Exposed Yet Again As Biggest Fraud Coach In Sports

18 point favorite, second-seeded Kentucky needed overtime to still lose by 6 to lowly MAAC Tournament Champ, 15th seed St. Peter's University from Jersey City, NJ.

85-79 Peacocks.

Giphy Images.

Noted scumbag John Calipari further solidified his place as a front running coach who would be nowhere in this world if it weren't for the talent pipeline he built on the back of World Wide Wes and his associates over the years.

He dodged charges and fled from UMass just in the nick of time, bottomed out with the Nets, who immediately rocketed to success after his firing three years into his five-year deal, ousted after losing 17 of his first 20 games in the lockout-shortened 1999 season.

He fled NJ to Memphis where he "resurrected" a defunct program via an incredible recruiting structure that allowed him to use a certain massive delivery company's headquarters to funnel jobs to star players' families

He again fled before shit hit the fan for what has turned into a lifetime contract at one of the biggest programs in the country in Kentucky. 

Since then he's further enjoyed a cream of the crop of talent pool, a revolving door of one-and-dones, and lottery draft picks. 

The result? Only four Final Four appearances, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015, and one National Championship in 2012. 

Nobody has done less with more.

Tonight was an exposé in classic Calipari. Clueless how to coach in close games where his opponents refuse to be intimidated, back down, or cave in to shoddy refereeing. 

Daryl Banks was fucking HUGE scoring 27, with Doug Edert adding 20 for the Peacocks.

The Wildcats went 1-6 from the line in OT, something that will kill you 99 times out of 100. (Fundamental basketball has never been Cal's strong suit).

Listing to him whine in the post-game interview outside his locker room about his guys "talking low percentage shots", "getting beat on back door cut after back door cut", and "not grabbing clutch rebounds" was classic Cal. Am I crazy or is this not the definition of coaching? 

Some people, not me necessarily, are saying this upset is true karma for the snake-like actions, lack of morals, lack of integrity, and lack of loyalty of some of their biggest fans. 

p.s. - St. Peter's was +1300 ML where you could actually find it.

p.p.s. - this kid fucks