Video Has Surfaced Of Will Smith Making A Bald Joke On The Arsenio Hall Show Back In The Day Because The Internet Never Forgets

Dailymail - A video circulating online sees the actor, 53, during an appearance on The Arsenio Hall Show in 1991, joking with bassist John Williams about his lack of hair.

In the clip, Will can be heard saying: 'Like, he has a rule, the bass player? He's got a rule: He's gotta wax his head every day. That's a rule.'

In response to the audience's awkward laughter, the Hollywood star says: 'Ah these are jokes, come on.'

The clip was captioned: '"He gotta wax his head every morning." Now this is a video of Will Smith saying a joke about someone with Alopecia. One reason I love the internet, it never forgets.'

While the tweet claims that John suffers with the hair loss condition, it's unclear whether this is the case.

Gotta love it. 

This is why I think we only see dinosaur 70-year-olds run for office today. Because nobody is clean.


If you go through everybody's history you're going to find points in life where they said things that they would 100% later regret.

God also has a way of being funny and putting us in positions where we're forced to change our mind on things. It's the people who never change their minds on stuff you gotta worry about. It's part of being human looking back, a long ass time, or even a few minutes ago, and saying you know what, that's a good point, or I was wrong about such and such.

So would Will Smith likely cringe seeing this today and like to have this one back? Absolutely.

Should we kill him over it today like the cancel culture police would undoubtedly do if he wasn't named Will Smith and was named something else, let's say Kanye West? 

Absolutely not.

But hopefully, Will would see it and realize jokes are jokes. It's just shit people say and if you get worked up over it to the point you take it to violence you need to figure shit out.

That said, am I the only one still confused why a joke regarding "G.I. Jane" struck such a cord?

"G.I. Jane" was a fucking babe because Demi Moore is, was, and still is hotter than blue hell.

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Imagine the reaction if Chris Rock had followed up after the slap and everybody settled down with a sly, "does the carpet match the drapes"?

p.s. - This is gold.