Things I Thought I'd Never See: Oakland Athletics' President Dave Kaval Spent His Night On Twitter Trying To Dunk On The Giants For Having Bad Attendance

Dave, Dave, Dave....what are you doing buddy? Obviously it's no secret that the Athletics are having issues with their franchise, drawing fans, keeping the dozens of cats out, and fielding a competitive team. So instead of being invested in his team and their future, what was Athletics' President Dave Kaval doing on Twitter last night? Trying to dunk on the Giants for having low attendance by tweeting out pictures of their empty stands.

That's right, the President of a Major League Baseball team spent his night tagging "@EmptySeatsPics" to try and show people that his team isn't the only club with an attendance issue! What a move here, this is unprecedented. We're actually seeing a team President have a meltdown on twitter.

He's out here trying to take shots at the Giants attendance while his team can't get close to 10K in the building, what a wild move. Retweeting and trying to dunk on beat writers pointing out how strange of a move this is, what is going on? The announced attendance last night in San Fran was almost 33K, Oakland would be lucky to see that in a 10 game homestead. I'm not sure if he was having some sort of breakdown last night but this man Dave Kaval was going through it. I'm not really sure he wants to compare Tuesday night crowds in April between his team and the Giants, probably not a good idea for Dave. Especially when he's retweeting pictures taken in the top of the first and second inning, those images don't really drive his point home. 

Also blindly retweeting random accounts with 180 followers? Sure, that's a good way to drive your point home. And even if this Edward Sippo was right that would mean there were around 16K at the Giants game, Dave would kill for that attendance for just one game. Oakland does rank dead last in attendance with a whopping 7,942 fans per game. The Giants on the other hand? They're 11th at 32,286 per game. Dave, you're barking up the wrong tree buddy. Don't try and posterize Giants fans for not showing up on a Tuesday night when the literal story of the week was that you have more cats than fans in your ballpark. 

Very bold of DK to have a tweet storm going on all over his timeline, meanwhile his pinned tweet is a letter to As fans about trying to relocate the Athletics. He was also getting awful engagement on these tweets. Did he think he would rack up the likes and RTs? He's got 25K followers but only getting 20 some likes on these tweets, all around rough look for Davey boy. 

He was also getting into it with….a parody account of a seagull? I'm not sure if he thought this whole bit was funny or clever, but it looks downright embarrassing for the president of a team to be doing this. Especially a team like the A's. Floundering on and off the field, Kaval thought poking fun at the team with the 11th best attendance in baseball and a team that won their division last year while winning 120 of their last 180 games was a good idea. Maybe sit the next few plays out Dave, doesn't seem like you have it today. Again, maybe worry about your team, what ballpark they're gonna play in, where they're gonna play, and figure out why you raised season ticket prices after trading away all your teams talent. Just a thought.