Wife Catches Husband Cheating With the Nanny Thanks to a Disney Ride Photo

Jae C Hong. Shutterstock Images.

I imagine that virtually every sentient human on the planet is aware of the Splash Mountain ride at Disney. How it's all a pretty boring, garden variety lazy river ride that takes you past scenes of little anthropomorphic talking animals from a movie no one has seen. (And none of the humans from that movie, since the reason it hasn't been shown in 60 years is because it was ol' Walt's way of saying American slavery was fun for the whole family.) Followed by a precipitous drop down a steep waterfall, thus giving the ride its name.

So you're no doubt aware of Splash Mountain's automatic photo feature, that gets a shot of your boat as you plummet down the incline to capture your stark raving terror, then sell you a print at an exorbitant mark up. I don't know if this was the first ride to do it, but it's become a staple for all such rides at every theme park in the world. And as an aside, one of the very first web sites I remember being shown in the early days of the internet was Flash Mountain, which was nothing but photos of women flashing their nipples at the camera. That's when a lot of us became convinced the "Net" (as we stopped calling it shortly thereafter for obvious reasons) was truly going to the transformative force for life on Earth they told us it would be.

I don't know if Flash Mountain still exists and I'm not checking. But the Splash Mountain souvenir photo feature continues to change lives. The life of one family in particular:

NY Post - Disney World wasn’t the happiest place on Earth for one jilted ex-wife.

For Natalie, now a single mom of two, the Disney Kingdom may have lost a bit of its magic after she discovered that her husband was cheating with one of their family’s two au pairs thanks to a telltale souvenir snapshot. 

The “slut” nanny has since filed a restraining order against her livid former employer. …

“We went to Disneyland [sic] in Orlando and took the nanny with us to help with the kids … Not the husband,” Natalie, 33, penned as the caption of her trending TikTok testimonial. “I was going through old photos and came across more than one where they were a little too close,” she added. …

[T]he scorned spouse, who ultimately divorced the adulterous dog, shared a follow-up video, explaining that the “slut” babysitter has since moved into her family home, filed a police report against her and has recently given birth to her ex-husband’s baby. …

“I got a phone call from the police saying, ‘Apparently, you were calling her a slut and hurling abuse at her,’” she said. “And I was like, ‘Yep! I did that. Not going to deny it, because she is a slut.’”

Luckily, Natalie claims that she was ultimately able to convince the governess-turned-groom-stealer to drop the charges. 

And she admittedly wishes that her ex and the nanny would have been honest about their affinities for one another, rather than leaving her in the dark about their affair. …

“At the end of the day, if they really love each other — they just had a baby together — then, who am I to stop them from being together?” Natalie said.

Here's where I would love to post Natalie's video. But for some inexplicable reason, she took it down. So instead, here's one she did later, explaining to everyone why she and her ex had two nannies. Just to be thorough, I suppose. In case she hadn't overshared details of her personal life enough already:

Well there you have it. Splash Mountain might have inadvertently played a part in breaking up family, but apparently it was for the best. The ride actually did them a favor. The family was no great shakes to begin with. Natalie thinks her ex could've handled it better, but she is cool with everything. There are no more legal entanglements complicating things. And her kids have a new half-sibling they can go on future vacations with, presumably with a newer, younger, and potentially hotter nanny. All's well that ends well.

And special considerations have to go to Natalie's ex-husband, who pulled off an absolute coup here. The Swap of the Century. One of the toughest challenges in all of infidelity has to be making that transition from your wife to your live-in babysitter. It's got to be damned near impossible. 

First of all, the wife has to be on the lookout for that at all times. Just HAS to be. I don't care if the nanny in question looks like Mrs. Doubtfire, the mom is going to be extra suspicious. First of all, she's likely to be in some stage of postpartum, hormonal, insecure low self-esteem. So all her alarms are on their most sensitive setting. Even the slightest flirtation must look like they're about to do it in the basement once the wife falls asleep. Not to mention she had two nannies - a pair of au pairs - so the temptation doesn't just double, it increases exponentially. Two to the second power. 

As cheating on your wife goes, this is the stuff of a great heist film. Stealing a prized masterpiece out of a museum guarded by hallways filled with lasers or robbing a Vegas casino. And this mastermind not only pulled it off and ended up with the - Natalie's word, not mine - slutty nanny, but he did it while carrying on right under her nose. Or directly behind her on a Disney ride. Yet he's the good guy in all this. 

What an incredible piece of work this was. Hats off to him. And here's wishing him the best of luck with his next au pair.