Kirill The Thrill Is A Freak Of Nature

This goal...fine. Absolute snipe. He's a talented guy. You expect him to make plays like this. 

The next one though. That is a man possessed. This one made me hard. 

Loose puck and he chases it down, and lifts the stick of Parayko, wins a battle and takes it straight to Binnington's kitchen. Missed the net but never stopped that motor. Never even idled. Just got himself into prime scoring position again, made a small area play and followed it with another SNIPE. THAT is playoff hockey. Karill is everything you want in your best player so far this playoffs. This is some Greg Jennings in Madden shit. He is exactly the type of offensive player the Wild have never had in the playoffs. Game breaking skill and a motor that won't quit. You need that to win in the playoffs because chances are so hard to come by so having a guy that will generate them by himself with effort and finish them with skill is mandatory for winning and now Minnesota finally has it.