Tom Brady Says He's Big on Saying "Fuck You" to His Critics on TV, While Simultaneously Ignoring the Noise

This video comes from the Buccaneers-produced documentary about their 2021 season. And if you think that somehow it's a hypocrisy to claim that from the comfort of his eco-friendly, domestically-sourced, sustainable sectional sofa, Tom Brady likes to F-bomb the people ripping him on TV while flipping the double State Bird of Massachusetts in their direction, I have a question: 

What have you been doing for the last 22 years and why haven't you learned the first thing about Tom Brady? 

Of course he's going to say he blocks out the noise. He had that lesson drilled into his soul over the years he spent at the feet of the all time Master Motivator. Brady is the Plato to Bill Belichick's Socrates. He absorbed all the lessons that were imparted to him in lectures, question and answer sessions, and locker room signs. And the point of every one of them wasn't to "ignore the noise." That's a platitude. A public stance you make. 

First, it ends the conversation. If a reporter asks you to respond to something that was said about you, there is no follow-up to "I block out the noise."

Second, and more importantly, because it takes power away from your enemies who are desperate to establish a beachhead in your brain by making it sound like they are not at all in your thought processes. 

Giphy Images.

This isn't hypocritical. Which is to say, it is hypocritical. But it's targeted hypocrisy. Hypocrisy with a purpose. 

Saying you don't hear the criticism while at the same time obsessively listening to it is passive/aggressiveness done to perfection. With the emphasis on the aggression. That, as much as anything, is what the hard-to-define "Patriots Way" is all about. From Lawyer Milloy getting the entire roster whipped into a frenzy when they went to the AFC championship game at Heinz Field and they spotted the Steelers stuff all packed for the Super Bowl. Belichick in the final walk through at the hotel before Super Bowl 39, reading the details of the Eagles victory parade. The season that began with Spygate and ended with a 16-0 record. The Deflategate season where Brady was suspended for four games, then went 14-1 as a starter and forced a humiliated Roger Goodell to hand him the Super Bowl MVP trophy. And a thousand other, smaller examples.

Hell, just the fact that he's got the names of the six quarterbacks who were drafted ahead of him memorized like a great joke (which they are), is all the proof you need that he's fixated on getting disrespected. That doubt is the food he processes into fuel to sustain him. 

Like I said, it's hypocrisy, but it's more accurate to call it a duality. Brady is a nice, pleasant man with a beautiful outer skin, beneath which is an immortal demon that feasts on negativity and gives power to the entire being. And all the while you're talking against him, you're merely providing him with the means to destroy you. 

I've done my best to move on from him. My loyalties lies with the future GOAT:

But I know how Brady operates. Criticize him at your own peril. Or he will do worse than tell you to fuck off and flip you the Double Freedom Rockets.