Taylor Swift Is Now Officially "Dr Taylor Swift" After Delivering NYU Class of 2022's Commencement Speech

Our Lord and Savior Taylor Alison Swift has just been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts degree from New York University. She woke up this morning, headed over to Yankee Stadium with the rest of the NYU graduates, donned a cap and gown (for the first time in her life!), gave the Commencement Speech, and is now a Doctor of the Arts. What, like it's hard?

This is awesome. Taylor has never gone to college, never experienced something like this, and is still throwing her cap in the air with an Honorary Doctorate. It goes to show that even if you don't follow your dreams in a traditional way, your hard work and creative efforts can still be rewarded. Taylor Swift is smarter than anyone I know. So smart in fact, that the Clive Davis Institute at NYU has been offering classes studying Taylor's music, entrepreneurship "and more." So, naturally, if you're teaching a class on a subject, and that subject is a person, who changes lives every single day through music...BREAK OUT THE STRIPES AND VELOUR CAP! 

Congratulations My Queen. I love you forever and ever.