Now That's What I Call Playoff Hockey

Fuckin' rights, boys. Playoff hockey is just a different beast. You gotta go out there and finish your hits on every single shift. It's a long series and all those hits will start to add up. It doesn't matter if you take yourself out of position or not. If you have a chance to put a hurtin' on someone out there, you let the body fly. Even if it's your own dude. 

The Battle of Alberta. Where no man is safe. And just when you think you might be safe...

Hope you enjoy a nice warm glass of friendly fire. 

The great news for both of these goons is I don't think there's anything in the rulebook about leaving your hit to deliver a hit on your own teammate. If either of them get a hold of Zadorov here they might be having a little chat on the phone with the Department of Player Safety. But since they just fucked each other up? No harm no foul. High IQ play there by both fellas to completely whiff like that. At the very least it saved them both $5,000. 

By the way, this guy is still crazy. 

