Just Going To Go Out On A Limb Here And Say You Can't Do That

I know that life is hard out there for refs right now. You've got maniac parents threatening you every time you step into a rink. You've got coaches screaming at you, little shithead kids who think they know the rules more than you. You couldn't pay me enough money to be a ref right now. They have an impossible job to go out there and make calls that everybody agrees with. 

But every once in awhile a gift falls directly into your lap. And for this ref, he finally got one. A chance to make the easiest call in the world. Because this right here?

Yeah….turns out you can't do any of that. Pretty easy call for stripes to make. You don't even need to go to ref school for that one. And honestly, it would be in the player's best interest if the ref really threw the book at him on this one. Gotta hand him a suspension for the rest of the year. Not because the play was reckless enough that it deserves the lengthy suspension. But just so he doesn't have to go to the pro shop and drop a quick $300 on a new stick before the next game. Let the young man get a few paychecks from his summer job first before he needs to make that purchase. 

P.S. -- Love the fellas in the bench still giving him some stick taps on the boards. Doesn't matter if he's a raging lunatic who just put your team on the PK for the rest of the game or not. Still gotta hype up your guy for getting the rest of the squad going. 
