You’re Never Gonna Believe It But There Was Another Viral Airport Fight Video This Weekend And It’s From A Spirit Airlines Terminal In Dallas

Fox Dallas - Spirit Airlines said it suspended an employee who got into an argument with a traveler that got out of control at DFW Airport.

Airport police were not on the scene while the fight was happening, but they are investigating. They took a report based on the accounts of the two people involved, plus witnesses who recorded video.

The fight apparently started over a problem with seating on a flight.

No one was taken into custody as both parties were released from the scene after being interviewed. So far, no one has been officially charged. 

DFW Airport police confirmed the investigation is still ongoing.

Honest question here. Why don't we have bouncers at airports? 

Ever since 9/11 the TSA security presence has been ramped up to the point you have 30 agents standing around doing nothing while 4 people check ID's and yell out "all laptops and electronics must be in a separate bin. Please remove all water bottles and liquids and discard them." Over and over. 

But once you clear security? You don't see anybody with a single ounce of authority again until your flight lands and you're outside waiting for your ride. 

It's pretty nuts when you think about it. 

Airports are some of the busiest places we have in society. Not only are there a zillion people crammed into them, but everybody is tense, pissed off, and most of all, they're all liquored the fuck up and xanax'ed out. 

I was thinking about this the other day while sitting at O'hare waiting for an American flight that was obviously delayed for 2.5 hours for absolutely zero reason. I fly a lot, usually once a week or more, so I have a lot of time to kill in airports. I usually do that by reading, writing blogs, or people-watching. The people-watching in airports is unparalleled. It's like the sampler platter at Chili's. You get to see/taste a little bit of everything all in one spot. 

Every 20 feet in an airport there's some place serving alcohol. And they open at the crack of dawn. 

It's completely normal and acceptable to be walking down the terminal at Midway, past the Hubbard Inn that opened up in the middle of it and seeing 30 people posted up slamming bloody mary's, bourbons, and beers at 6 am in the morning. If you were walking to work or walking the dog and you saw this through the window at your neighborhood bar it would stop you in your tracks and you'd ask yourself what the fuck is wrong with those people.

But at an airport, there are no rules. (Unless you're Bailey Carlin). 

So you've got everybody on edge, everybody pissed off, and lots of people hammered and/or drugged up. It's a recipe for disaster. It's essentially all the elements that make up your average Irish pub in Boston. Imagine local government allowing one of those places to operate with no security? It would be like fucking Roadhouse every night.

But airports for some reason get the pass and get overlooked. 

Makes zero sense.

So when we see these confrontations and fights happen once a week and people act shocked and outraged the real head-scratcher is what's it going to take before the government finally realizes, "hey we should have an armed presence throughout the airport and near most gates, not just at security"?

Probably somebody dying to be honest.

Giphy Images.

In closing, to use my Irish pub metaphor again. If airports are like shitty Irish pubs in Boston, then Spirit Airlines customers are the clientele that sits at the bar nursing a PBR for hours, sneaking to grab the bottles and glasses of customers who leave before they can be bussed or thrown out (we call this "mine-sweeping") and always try to pick fights and get thrown out so they don't have to settle their tab. No offense.