An MLB Star Weighs In On Commissioner Cheah's Performance So Far

Reed Hoffmann. Shutterstock Images.

I stepped into the Commissioner's spot replacing arguably the greatest baseball player of all-time, Mike Trout to run a fantasy football league. It was a job with a big spotlight given the league managers and it seemed like almost immediately the seat was hot.

But things have cooled down. In the past month, we've introduced a new league manager after one spot was vacated, settled on league dues, picked a platform, issued a new scoring system, gotten 100% of managers to sign-up, and more. With just over two weeks left until the draft we have a couple more things to finalize, but things are looking good.

One of the league members and one of the newest Boston Red Sox, Eric Hosmer was recently asked what he thought about Commissioner Cheah's performance so far:

"It’s running smooth now. We like giving the commissioner a hard time. But he’s been very thorough. He’s been doing a good job so far, but we have to keep him on his toes." - Eric Hosmer per WEEI

With just over two weeks until Draft day, I can only hope those kind words will be echoed after that.