BARSTOOL FINANCE: Is Buffet on OXY, or not?

Quick reminder...  Tyler Morin from The Water Coolest and I pooled together $5,001 which we are investing as The Family Office...

This week we talk about my continued success picking winners while Tyler backtracks his support for a known eugenicist…

Keystone-France. Getty Images.

On top of that, the Fed is at a sleepover, Best Buy's rollercoaster has finally run off the track, Buffet is making moves in the oil space, and we ask you to consider a forgotten resource investment… WATER.

Giphy Images.

An audio version of this video exists for people who find Tyler physically repulsive and can be heard on Apple Podcasts

Or Spotify

Plus, past episodes can be seen on our YouTube channel…

And, to celebrate our new water investment, here's a Free nautical GIFt…

Take a report.


Oh… And this asshole is back…

