Today In Metsland: Max Scherzer Has Landed On The IL With An Oblique Injury And Everything Is Fine!

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When it rains it pours in Metsland and we currently have a monsoon of tears taking place on #MetsTwitter. I thought/hoped we were past this type of hysterics but a set of cold bats in Queens along with a red hot world champion leading to a tie atop the NL East has Mets fans calling their sponsors in Mets Fans Anonymous.

Luckily this latest kick directly in the dick shouldn't last long.

I know that the Mets were notorious for day-to-day injuries leading to stints on the 60 Day DL during the Reign of the Wilpons. However if Buck says a guy is going to be out the minimum, I am going to believe him. Especially if the madman that is heading to the IL says this:

Besides, it doesn't matter if Max Scherzer, David Peterson, Trevor Williams, or 1999 Pedro Martinez are on the mound against this scheduled of 2nd division teams if the Mets offense doesn't score any runs against them.

Speaking of which…

Honestly, between the slopfest last night, this Max news, and the general sense of dread from Mets fans, I forgot that Starling Marte took a 96 MPH fastball directly off the digit last night. So this is good news until it's not and has led to Pete Alonso going back in the 2 hole like he did his rookie season as Buck tries to shake things up to wake up those goddamn bats. 

Screw it, we're responsibly rolling with a Pete Fuckbomb today on the Barstool Sportsbook considering he hit 53 as a rookie.

Also it has to be said that the Mets social media team has had a glow up like the Mets team this season. However, this is the absolute last thing Mets fans needed to see on their timeline today outside of another injury, the standings in the NL East, or a tweet about either of the local NFL teams.