Jumping Over The Counter At A Packed Chipotle To Run The Register Yourself Is Making Me Question The Rules Of Society

I'm torn on this one, folks. I am utterly and completely torn on how to react to this video. Here we have a few folks at a packed Chipotle that were so frustrated with their food one of them jumped behind the counter and started ringing up customers to get the line moving a little quicker. On one hand you can have the ideology that I first assumed when I read the caption here- what kind've of an idiot is jumping behind the counter to annoy an already hard-working staff? It's like when sports fans complain about their players striking out or dropping a pass...TRUST ME I'm sure they didn't intend to strike out there and I'm sure this Chipotle staff is trying their hardest to get everyone's food to them as seamlessly as possible.

YET it kind've looks like this person's co-worker running the register as a non-employee is kind've going....smoothly? There's not clumps of people waiting for their orders & I believe she was a former Chipotle worker so she clearly knew what she was doing! So I'm stumped on this one. Is it inappropriate? Yes. Did it speed up some orders? Yes. Both can be true although this is such a damn rare occurrence. At the end of the day though I just hope everyone enjoyed their food because with those double meat prices nowadays...SHEESH that would suck if the food sucked.