Mike Evans Screwed Up Big Time Now That He's No Longer Welcome At New Orleans BBQ Joint 'Blue Oak BBQ'

Icon Sportswire. Getty Images.

When Mike Evans ran over and decked the shit out of Marshon Lattimore, he made a calculated decision based on a couple of things. The first being that he needs to protect old ass Tom Brady. The second being that he absolutely hates Marshon Lattimore and had a perfect excuse to lay him out. At the time I'd say he made the right call, even after getting hit with the 1-game suspension. 

What Mike Evans didn't account for, however, was also getting hit with a lifetime ban from New Orlean BBQ joint Blue Oak. 

Give me a one game suspension, fine. Give me a 6 game suspension, fine. Heck, I'd even go as far as to say I'll take a season long suspension. But if you mean to tell me that decking the shit out of Marshon Lattimore means that I'm never allowed to get after a platter of Blue Oak BBQ ever again in my life, well then I've made the biggest mistake of my life. And I think Mike Evans would agree. 

No more brisket debris bowls. 

No more pastrami sandwiches. 

No more shrimp po boys. 

No more spicy fried chicken. 

Mike Evans is still under contract with Tampa for the 2023 season. So that means he has a couple more trips to New Orleans on his schedule at some point. And every time he goes to New Orleans, he won't be able to go to Blue Oak. All I'm saying is I think Tom Brady can handle himself in a scuffle with Marshon Lattimore if it means I get to still get to enjoy some delicious barbecue. He'll get over the fine and suspension, but he may never get over this. 

