Football Guy Move Of The Year: JJ Watt's Playing Today After He Went Into A-Fib On Wednesday And Had His Heart Shocked Back Into Rhythm

I love this move on so many accounts. First, the fact he didn't want some silly reporter to talk about it. Nope, beat thema t their own game. Only thing missing was a SOURCES: or BREAKING: to start the tweet. We'll work on that big J game, JJ. Second, the fact he's just straight up playing today. You think his heart needing to be shocked back into rhythm is going to stop him from missing week 4? Think again, dumb dumbs. 

Obviously good to hear he's feeling well enough to play. Still insane to hear things like 'heart shocked back into rhythm.' If I ever have to do that, I'll take at least 1 day off of blogging. Maybe 2. It's one of those things you hear and just assume that person isn't doing much for an extended period of time. Same like when I hear shit like a 'dislocated kneecap' and they are right back at it. 

Incredible all the way around. What a tweet to hit send on during a Sunday afternoon.