Photos Of The Devastation In Fort Myers Caused By Hurricane Ian Looks Like Something Straight Out Of The Apocalypse

(Click through to see the photos)

I know a lot is happening on the internet these days, but I wanted to take a minute to post about something that very much matters and is very much real - Hurricane Ian. Particularly the devastation its caused in Fort Myers, Florida. Photos are starting to circulate now that the storm has calmed down and to be honest they're jarring. It's one of these things that once you look into it, you're shocked it's not getting more coverage than it is. Everyone is talking about Dream's face reveal and AB's Instagram (which are both newsworthy), but at the same time who gives a fuck? I mean look at the carnage that people are dealing with in Florida...




The place looks like a war zone and some are calling the flooding a "one in five-hundred year event." Not only that, the death toll is currently at 87 and is expected to rise. Over six-hundred-thousand are without power and there's no telling when they will get it back. What's worse is that a lot of the residents whose homes were destroyed didn't have flood insurance so they're basically shit out of luck. 

If you want to read/see more about what's going on in Florida with Hurricane Ian just Google it. And if you don't want to do that you can donate to help those in need via the Red Cross HERE. Sorry to start your Monday off with such shitty news, but there are people who have it a lot worse that you right now. It's important to remember that. Have a great week.