Nintendo Is Making A Super Mario Movie And Fans Are Pissed Because Mario Has NO ASS

Alright so the movie trailer and the movie releasing is one thing. But I wanna focus on the more important topic at hand... WHERE THE FUCK IS MARIO'S ASS!?!?!?!? The internet weighed in as they usually do.

The Nintendo animators are polar opposites of Pixar animators, that much is easily confirmed.


But seriously, how do you give Mario absolutely no ass? 

He needs to borrow the Tom Cruise special:

Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I have seen an ass like this recently…

Anyways, you probably wanna know more about the movie. So this is Nintendo doing an announcement about an announcement.

The worldwide trailer is going to be dropping October 6th at 4:05 pm EST. And I'm excited for this one. I always love video game-based movies and I'll definitely tune into see the an absolute classic.

Chris Pratt is going to be voicing Mario and I'm unsure how I feel about that. I love him as an actor - Parks and Rec is one of my favorite shows! He definitely has the talent to play Mario, I just can't imagine him as Mario at this time. Regardless, time will tell.

Barstool Plays Impossible Mario Levels